Hi my name is Kevin.
Why do i want to be a GM?: I want to be a gm because i like to be helpful throughout the community and keep it safe, such as ban hackers. I also want to convince the players as much as i can to folllow the rules if there already do. I also wanna be a gm since the servers thati was a GM in before are eithier running on version54 Odin (RaveMS) or are not active (NextMs).
Do u have exp in being a GM?: Yes i do have exp in being a gm. I was a gm in RaveMS, NextMS, and CloudMs. I have been a GM in those servers for 1month+.
Where do i live?: I live in the UnitedStates, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, NorthPhiladelphia
How old am I?: I am only 13 years old but very intelligent (not bragging).
The reasons u should pick me: The reasons that you should pick me is that im very kind to the players and gms and also in general, i would also enforce the rules, be as active as I can (but Monday-Friday can only play 1-3 hours because of school) but sunce summer is coming up i'll be really active, and help out with any updates or assistance needed.
Thank You for accepting my GM Application for HoshiMS and i hope i will become a gm as soon as possible. Kevin